Randy’s Guide to Birds




Ghostbird, White-hued Ghostbird, Ivory White Ghostbird, Snowbird, Audubon’s Kneebiter, Larry Bird

Scientific name:

Carpe ivorium

Field marks:

White feathers; an attitude of entitlement; kidneys in the shape of a navy

bean (this can be difficult to observe in the field).


Toot, toot, tootoooooot

Fun facts:

  • Shakespeare’s Hamlet laments the death of Ophelia in the following lines (which are often cut in modern performances of the play):
    Ophelia thou gentle little wench
    Wingéd like a fallen whitebird at night
    Too soon pluck’d, drownéd in a pool of tears
  • Nine out of ten cats prefer the taste of Whitebird meat over Bluebird meat. Whitebirds out-poop Redbirds by more than a third. Much of the “bird lime” found on the statues in New York City parks is attributable to Whitebirds.
  • Ornithologists have reported Whitebirds are adapting their migration strategies. Rather than flying, many now choose to take buses, trains and—on the Mississippi River—paddleboats. A few hitchhike. One bird in 2015 tried repeatedly to arrange a ride with Uber and, failing at that, got a really sweet deal on airline tickets from Priceline.com.

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