Fiddling While We Burn
I’d like to post something on my blog. A bit of silly nonsense would be my preference (of course). But my silly bone has atrophied considerably of late. The reality of a fascist takeover of our
country government has darkened my mood just slightly.[1]
A few days ago I wrote half of a tedious post about the meaning of “make America great again” before abandoning it. Not silly, really, except for my hope that—if finished—it might nudge even one person to reexamine a fearful and selfish worldview.
I have abandoned a mostly-finished bit of nonsense on the subject of a recent Nobel Prize winner. It is silly, but not as funny as it is tedious.[2] I should maybe construct another crossword puzzle: a potential distraction for me, but a somewhat tedious one even in the best of times. I still intend to create another in my series of tedious books read in 2016 posts. “But,” I think, “why?”
Tedious, tedious, tedium.
Facebook too has lost a lot of its appeal for me. It has been, at its best, a great way to keep up with scattered friends and family, and a fun way to reconnect with those long lost. Now it too often seems a malevolent force, providing a dispiriting window into the hearts and minds of some whom I want to love and respect.
Ah well. I have the blues. Probably as close to actual depression as I’ve ever been.
As an escape, I’ve been frying my brain on YouTube (so much better than turning on TV, right?). Four videos I enjoyed today:
Speaking of Facebook, no one need ever pay for this again …
If only this were funnier …
Oops, this one isn’t really escapist (but it is funny and important) …
Now this is an escape …