Op-Ed Magazine
These stories were ripped from the pages of the late, great Op-Ed Magazine (the domain is now available—snap it up!).
They are almost certainly too long for your taste.
What was Op-Ed Magazine? It was a hip on-line ’zine, where each monthly issue was centered around and/or inspired by a featured word. Its ravings included the minutiae, licentious, antithetical, and dally issues.
It sported a trés cool author photo and bio for the Bachster, reproduced here for your amusement and mine:
Steve Bachman is aging like cheap wine in Saint Paul, a quiet suburb of Minneapolis, Minnesota. He spends at least 40 hours a week toiling as a UNIX systems administrator, while metaphorically wearing a large bumper sticker that reads “I’d rather be traveling, birdwatching, playing Scrabble, reading, listening to music, playing volleyball, basketball, or softball, finishing a crossword puzzle, or taking a nap.” Occasionally he writes down some nonsense, but he discards most of it. He wears a beard.
Read more About Bachblog or look at some Op-Ed nonsense:
• The Grammarian and His Teacher - my risqué debut
• Waxing Philosophical - my Pythonesque follow-up
• Latenight Self-help - the story that broke the ’zine
Op-Ed Magazine has not fared well in its afterlife in the “Wayback Machine” (the Internet Archive).