Randy’s Guide to Birds

Black Duck

Black Duck


Black Swan, Black Booby, Black Tern, Black Goose, Dark-gray Goose, Ebony Goose, Onyx Auk, Platapus-billed Albatross

Scientific name:

Duckus ebonium

Field marks:

Black feathers during most seasons of the year, white feathers otherwise; webbed feet; irascible demeanor.


Quaaack, Twaaack

Fun facts:

  • Famous televison duck Daffy Duck (pictured) was actually played by a Blackbird wearing prosthetic feet. He ended his career as an alcoholic, embittered by an industry that never paid him as much money as his hated rival, Donald Duck. Industry executives claimed Donald’s higher salary was justified in part because “Donald wore clothes,” and yet the same executives refused to allow Daffy to wear clothes because (he was told) “they just wouldn’t fit your character.”
  • Similar to the case with chickens (larger chickens are often informally known as “turkeys”), larger ducks are sometimes called “geese.” This is technically incorrect, but it has spawned a popular kitchen table game, “duck, duck, goose” (some, perversely, know the game as “duck, duck, gray duck”).

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