Randy’s Guide to Birds




Brown-headed Brownbird, Brown-rumped Brownbird, Brown-winged Brownbird, Brown-thighed Brownbird, Brown-nosed Sycophant

Scientific name:

Terran Rusticus

Field marks:

Brownish feathers; even uglier than Graybird; poop tastes like chicken.


Phhht, phht

Fun facts:

  • Large, scary Brownbirds are sometimes called “owls.” These owls are often portrayed as wise, intelligent birds. This is not true, of course. Many have problems with the most basic math problems, few read above a third-grade level, and one particularly dense Brownbird tested with an IQ lower than the mean IQ of the 114th United States Congress.
  • The slangy euphemisms “to make a Brownbird” and “stinks like a Brownbird” are seldom used in polite conversation.

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