Randy’s Guide to Birds




Booger Bird, Audubon’s Picklebill, Bachman’s Greenish Thrush, Avacodo-eating Whitebird, Callipygian Honeytail

Scientific name:

Chilicus con verde

Field marks:

Green feathers; smaller than a breadbox; envious; often defecates green poop.


Louie, lou-EEE, louie, lou-EYE

Fun facts:

  • Many biologists believe most modern Greenbirds share a common ancestor with alligators and crocodiles. A minority of biologists believe Greenbirds to be descended from a small group of Whitebirds that developed an inordinate fondness for the avacado (hence the green poop).
  • Seven to ten percent of American males cannot distinguish Greenbirds from Redbirds. However, a much larger percentage report they “just don’t give a rip” about distinguishing Redbirds from Greenbirds since most States do not allow them to be hunted. (Hawaii allows shotguns to be used against both species; Texas and Arkansas allow bow hunting only.)

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