Randy’s Guide to Birds
Bubblegum Bird, Reddish Emu, Tutu-wearing Ankle-biter, Audubon’s Lawn-loitering Crane, Phallus-billed Lothario
Scientific name:
Lawnus ornamenti
Field marks:
Pink feathers, pink legs, and a long pink tongue; “plastic” appearance, often with a single leg which appears to be affixed to the ground (foot is not visible).
Fun facts:
- Most people who claim to have seen Pinkbirds have spent too much time in the sun or have had too much beer to drink. Frequently, both.
- The Pinkbird was hunted nearly to extinction in the 1960s when demand for pink “feather dusters” reached its peak. A general slackening in American housekeeping standards and, later, the development of “The Swiffer” have contributed to the recovery of the species.